How to Start Off a Mentoring Relationship

If you’ve had any level of success in your life, somewhere along the line, you probably had a mentor! You may have even been a mentor to someone. Many times, mentoring relationships happen informally, but that doesn’t mean starting a mentoring relationship will come naturally in a new setting. If you’re having trouble figuring out where to start, you can use our tips for starting things off on the right foot!

Before you get ahead of yourself, you should have already done the following:

  1. Found a member to collaborate with.

  2. Had an intro meeting, and decided that you’d both like to work together. If you haven’t already done this, sign into and Explore the Community to find someone to collaborate with. Or contact the Skysthelimit Program Team and they will help you find someone to meet with.

  3. Once you’ve connected with someone you’d like to collaborate with, follow up with a message or Request a Call to determine the focus, duration, and frequency of your collaboration. Be sure to document the terms of your commitment in the Collaborate tab to unlock additional meeting tools! 

Now that you know who you’re working with, you can click through these slides to get a meeting plan to guide your first few meetings…

Be sure to click on the links to additional resources throughout these slides.


Common People United