Posts in General Questions
What are project templates and why should I use them?

Project templates are helpful for entrepreneurs to use with a partners such as a business mentor or advisor because they break down important business milestones into meetings. The guide recommends topics to discuss and also point you to business tools that help you achieve your business goals. Some of these templates are specific to Sky’s the Limit program, while others cover more general business milestones like Writing a Business Plan. You can use these templates on your own, or find a mentor through to grow your business!

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What exactly does Sky’s the Limit do? 

Our program is for any entrepreneur who is trying to get customers or donors to buy their products or services! We support entrepreneurs through business mentorship, business resources and tools, and funding opportunities. We are focused on small businesses, but also offer support to larger organizations and nonprofits. The best way to get started is to sign up for free at and tell us more about where you're at with your business or business idea.

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